Boxed In
A downloadable game
- WSAD - forward, back, left, right
- Jump - space
- Sprint - shift/ctrl
- Charge Jump - hold ctrl
- Hit - left mouse
- Pull - right mouse
- Pause - esc/p
Explore a mysterious house from the eyes of a cat, filled with puzzles and platforming to appease a mad scientist. Solve puzzles, hit batteries, and participate in dubiously moral science experiments. Use your cat like reflexes to complete platforming challenges as you uncover the true intentions of Doctor Schrodinger.
- PointsList - a script to edit points in the editor for objects to follow.
- Platform - a scrip that moves platforms and rigidbodies on top of them, powered by an optional power source.
- AntiGravGun - a script that controls a platform & gun to raise & lower to the player level and shoot the player with anti-gravity, as well as applying anti-gravity effects to rigid bodies.
- CharacterMovement - a script that controls all movement & actions for the character (except wall climbing) and manages most input in the game.
- ShakeEvent - a script for scriptable objects for creating screen shake events.
- DebugMenu - controls the debug menu.
- HitReciever - allows actions to happen when an object is hit.
- CameraPather - a script that allows the camera to follow a path, independent of player movement or input.
- DecalParticleEmitter - controls particles and how they emit from decals.
- PowerPlate - powers when a power ball touches this object.
- PowerReciever - receives power, other scripts extend this instead of monobehavior.
- LabManager - loads lab scenes in the house on top of the house scene depending on levels complete.
- PowerActorCombiner - allows multiple power sources to be required to power one object.
- PowerChainer - allows a power source to activate multiple power receivers.
- PowerActor - plays animations on power.
- AutoAddOptions - automatically populates debug menu switch scenes list.
- FacePlayer - makes objects face the player.
- DDOL - stops an object from being destroyed on scene change.
- LabCamera - renders the lab scene to the screen in the house.
- CameraFollower - makes the camera follow the player.
- ProgressTracker - tracks progress between scenes.
- PowerBall - controls how the power ball acts.
- Save and Load - Project tool usd for easy access to reset player/powerball position
- PauseMenu - Pause menu layout and functionality
- Climbing - Wall climbing functionality with capabilities to clmb along surfaces of various angles
- Checkpoint - allowed designers to reset the player/powerball position after a fail state to a specified/dynamic location in the level
- MainMenu - Functionality with rotating camera and basic wrapper functionality
- LevelSelect - functional level selection
- Audio Manager - Managed Audio for voice line of the scientist and when to play them in a scene
- Patrol- Robot with vision cone fail state to patrol around the room and stop to look for theplayer at random intervals (uses Skyler's point editor)
- FunnyManager - Manager to switch between normal and funny voice lines
- SuctionTube - Functional suction to to transport powerball between 2 points(unused in final)
- SpawnLocation- dynamically changing spawn locations
- DecalEmission - emission for decals
- Screen - screen shader for tv in house
Status | Prototype |
Authors | Heroshrine, ImCrowley, batmanlm_8, Caleb Iremonger |
Genre | Platformer |
Download 123 MB